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Core Data Analytics: Excel and Power BI Skills for Accounting and Finance Professionals

About the Core Data Analytics Series

Accounting and finance professionals can both set themselves apart from their colleagues and future-proof their careers by developing an expertise in data analytics. Professionals both in public accounting and in industry can use these skills to review financial information and evaluate business performance, identify and manage risk, and analyze customer behavior to anticipate market trends.

In this ten-part on-demand webcast series, we’ll concentrate on the Power BI tools in Microsoft Excel® that enable accounting, auditing, and finance professionals to develop their own self-service data analysis. By completing all ten modules listed below, you'll earn a professional certification, demonstrating to current employers and future hiring managers that you’ve got just the right skills to bring value to their organization.

Core Data Certification

Surgent Data courses are a new offering focused on helping you take the next step in your career—whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced professional interested in acquiring new skills. Surgent's data courses go beyond the kind of education you take to keep your license active, instead delivering the kind of education that helps you practice at a whole new level. Surgent brings you:  

  • Courses covering today’s most important and in-demand skillsets

  • Training that truly teaches you how to apply new knowledge to your work

  • Certifications from a 30-year leader in accounting education to help you stand out in a competitive market

About Power BI in Microsoft Excel®

Used for:

  • Visualizing data
  • Forecasting, analytics
  • Interactive experiences
  • Internal Q&A function, within the application, allows easy interaction between viewers.
  • Users can create personalized dashboards.
  • Connect to nearly any application or data source (literally hundreds of options), no matter whether those resources live in the cloud or on-premises.
  • Power BI is simple to use, provides fast turnaround time and cost-saving measures


Complete 10-part series.


Introduction to Data Analytics Using Microsoft Excel Package (DATA)

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Introduction to Data Analytics Using Microsoft Excel Package (DATA)

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Who Should Take This Course?

  • Any finance professionals looking to stand out, and add desirable skills to resume.
  • Accounting and finance students, recent graduates, and professionals searching for advanced reporting and data skills.


2+ years of working with Excel®

Qualifies for 10 CPE credits upon completion of all modules.

Data Digital Badge

What Topics and Skills Are Covered in Surgent’s Core Data Certificate?


Data Analytics Modules

Module 1: Data Extraction and Data Sources

During this introductory module to data analytics, participants will learn the basic terminology used in performing data analytics-based tasks or working with data analytics. You will gain an understanding of the sources of data and importance in combining multiple sources. You will also be introduced to and be able to practice the basics of Microsoft’s Power Query.


View Module 1 


Module 2: Data Preparation using Get and Transform

This module will teach participants how to apply Power Query to extract, transform, and load data for analysis. You will learn how to manipulate data once it is loaded into the platform and will practice the manipulation during the course. Using the same data as the instructor, you will perform an exercise to clean and transform a basic general ledger with an emphasis on preparing the data for analysis.


View Module 2 


Module 3: Formulas, Named Ranges, and Formula Accounting

This course will introduce participants to table functions in Excel and Power BI. You will practice applying named ranges and naming conventions to data. Using exercises alongside the instructor, you will practice common formulas and functions within Excel. You will also learn about common pitfalls in formula implementation to avoid.

View Module 3 


Module 4: Excel Tables

This module will teach you to apply Excel and Power BI tools and skills directly to tables in Excel. You will work alongside the instructor to create named tables and structured references, enter formulas, and prepare the tables for input into Power Query. You will also be introduced to the preparation of the first level of statistics, descriptive statistics. Emphasis will be placed on mean, median, and standard errors.

View Module 4 


Module 5: Pivot Tables

This module provides hands-on practice using PivotTables in Excel. You will learn and apply skills to create, structure, and analyze data using PivotTables; the benefits and limitations of PivotTables will also be discussed. You will be introduced to Power Pivot and Online Analytics Processing within Power Pivot.

View Module 5 


Module 6: Data Modeling

This module focuses primarily on Power Query, Power Pivot, and V-LOOKUP skills. You will learn how to join tables using various techniques and add-ons in Excel. You will be taught how to utilize the tools while maintaining data integrity through hands-on data exercises. You will apply skills to create relationships and analyze the data using Power Query.

View Module 6 


Module 7: Calculated Columns and Dimensions

This module will focus on using Excel with Power BI and Power Query to organize and analyze data. You will primarily work with calculated columns generated from existing data. This module will walk through hands-on exercises to create calculated columns, add dimensions to existing data tables, and create hierarchies within the data tables, with special attention paid to Star Schema analytical modelling. To explore practical applications, you will apply the skills to journal entry testing..

View Module 7 


Module 8: Advanced Formulas – Array Formulas and DAX Formulas

This module will introduce formula arrays and DAX formulas in Power BI and Excel. You will learn the skills to create and evaluate array formulas and DAX formulas and develop an understanding of implicit or explicit intersections and measures within the formulas. You will apply the understanding to data and work alongside the instructor to create calculated columns in Power Pivot using DAX formulas and array formulas.

View Module 8 


Module 9: Artificial Intelligence – Basic Concepts in Excel

Module 9 serves as an introduction to artificial intelligence and how artificial intelligence is utilized in Excel. You will be introduced to correlation and trend functions in Excel, as well as the basics of linear regression and its application in Excel. This module will focus on artificial intelligence functions in Excel, including, but not limited to, forecasting, trend analysis, regression analysis, and predictive modeling.

View Module 9 


Module 10: Visualizations and Reporting

This module will introduce you to data visualization and reporting using Power BI and Excel. You will understand the benefits of using Power BI to create data visualizations and how Power BI differs from previous functions in Excel for visualizations. You will participate in a hands-on exercise alongside the instructor to create dashboarding for journal entry testing. This module explains the relation among various tools for data analytics: Power Query, Power Pivot, PivotTables, DAX formulas, and storyboarding.

View Module 10 

Want to pick and choose topics? Each of these 1-credit modules is available for individual purchase.

Note: professional certificates are only granted to attendees who complete full certificate programs.

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