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Surgent Interactive

A Gamified Approach to CPE

Surgent Interactive is our new line of short, immersive, game-based CE courses. We're developing multiple series that leverage active learning elements to keep individuals engaged and having fun!  Surgent Interactive immersive, game-based CE courses that are designed to help individuals learn smarter. Participants are fully engaged in various tasks and challenges, rather than passively consuming course content. These courses are designed to:

  • Ignite learner engagement
  • Increase skill development
  • Stimulate critical thinking
  • Identify skill gaps immediately, allowing for course correction
  • Increase knowledge retention through stickier learning
  • Boost assessment performance



Surgent Interactive courses feature real-world scenarios in a gamified, interactive simulation and enables learners to:

Investigate and review – Learners are given opportunities to examine resources, make observations, and accumulate information about a client.

Interview and verify – Learners meet with clients to validate claims and uncover new information that may drive their results and future actions.

Apply skills – Learners use the information they’ve gathered and verified to fulfill their given task(s) – such as performing an inventory observation – before submitting their work for evaluation.

Assess – Upon completion of the game, learners take a final examination to earn CPE credit where they tested on their knowledge of the topics and skills addressed in each game.

Earn credit while enjoying an immersive and fun CPE in a game format. Explore our interactive series:


Max the Tax 

Max the Tax is the first series of courses within Surgent Interactive. In these courses, learners are tasked with interviewing various taxpayers and making adjustments to their tax returns based on their answers, and their knowledge of tax laws.

In each game, learners score points based on the quality of their interview and the accuracy of the adjustments made. Explore our interactive tax series today.

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Max the Tax - Surgent Interactive

Surging Auditors

Surging Auditors is the second series of courses within Surgent Interactive. Learners/players encounter real-world situations that require their knowledge of inventory procedures, professional skepticism, and making ethical decisions to accurately audit companies.

In each game, points are scored by asking relevant questions, identifying errors, and asserting proper follow-up procedures for the situations. Explore our interactive auditing series today.

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Surging Auditor CPE

Business Development

Business Development is the third series of courses within Surgent Interactive. Learners apply core business and professional development principles as they move throughout each game – from analyzing and choosing candidates best suited for referrals to overcoming interruptions and distractions to successfully manage a busy workday.

Topics include new client acquisition, personal business contacts, coaching employees on how to work with clients, time management, working from home, and more.

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Surgent Interactive

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CPE Webinars

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