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Annual Update for Defined Contribution Plans (UDCP)



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This course will provide a general understanding of the new reporting and disclosure requirements for employee benefit plans under the now effective SAS 136, the AICPA’s new employee benefit plan auditing standard. Participants will be provided with an insight into the common errors and mistakes made by auditors and plan administrators, as well as the new requirements of both groups under the new SAS. The course will discuss the results from the Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) Criminal Enforcement initiative and audit quality study, and focus on the causes of the recent increase in the number of deficient engagements identified by the peer review process. This course will provide auditors and plan administrators with up-to-date information regarding defined contribution plans auditing, reporting and disclosure requirements, including those related to the new ERISA Section 103(A)(3)(c) audits under SAS 136.



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