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IA Module 1: Gateway to Excellence in Internal Auditing: A Vital Introduction and Orientation to the Profession (IAM1)



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This program provides an essential and engaging introduction to the internal audit profession, a primer on current, major internal audit guidance / standards for staff level personnel, and a value adding refresher and reinforcer for more seasoned personnel and management. Designed for internal audit professionals at all levels, consultants providing internal audit outsourcing or co-sourcing services, and external auditors (CPAs) who also provide such services and/ or place significant reliance on the work of internal auditors during the conduct of audit engagements. This course acts as a launching pad for Surgent’s comprehensive internal audit curriculum, equipping participants with a critical internal audit reference foundation for ongoing growth! It is crucial for internal auditors to develop a balanced, big picture AND detail-oriented understanding, perspective, and approach to their work. This session is instrumental in helping internal audit professionals do just that!



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