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Microsoft 365: Getting Started with Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts (365P)

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$79 - $139

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This course is a two-lesson advanced level course that guides you through creating, formatting, and modifying PivotTables and PivotCharts in Excel using step-by-step hands-on activities. In Lesson 1, you learn how to create a blank PivotTable; then use the Fields List to manually arrange data in the PivotTable. Next, you learn how to create a PivotTable using three additional methods—the Recommended PivotTables button, the Quick Analysis feature, and the Summarize with PivotTable button and Data Model. You learn how to format a PivotTable by applying Number formatting, changing the PivotTable layout, hiding and showing subtotals and grand totals, and applying a PivotTable style. You also learn how to refresh a PivotTable when the underlying data is changed; how to filter a PivotTable; and how to rearrange the structure of a PivotTable. In Lesson 2, you learn to create a PivotChart from a PivotTable using multiple methods—the PivotChart button, standard Excel charting buttons, and a keyboard shortcut—plus you learn how to create a PivotChart and its underlying PivotTable simultaneously. Next, you learn to format the overall PivotChart by applying a chart style and chart layout; then you learn to format individual chart elements, such as the Chart Area, Axes, and Titles using formatting task panes. Finally, you learn to modify a PivotChart by filtering it, changing its chart type/subtype, adding, removing, and repositioning its fields, and changing the underlying data’s row and column orientation. Note that this course emphasizes using the traditional keyboard and mouse actions to perform tasks in Excel.



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