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Update on the AICPA’s New Ethics and Quality Control Standards (UEQ4)

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Quality and ethics are the hallmark characteristics of the accounting profession. It is our responsibility as CPAs to have a firm understanding of our professional responsibilities in these two key areas. Recently enacted and proposed updates to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (Code) and Quality Management standards represent significant changes in how we govern ourselves and our firms as CPAs.

This course will cover the details of the enacted and proposed changes to the Code, especially those impacted our communication of noncompliance with laws and regulations, and other changes which will impact our independence. Next, the course will review the new quality management standards proposed by the AICPA, which will represent a significant change in how firms design and deploy their processes which ensure engagement quality and compliance with the Code.

In this period of great change, this course will give you the information which you need to move forward in this new era.



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