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Many of our clients are moving to one of the seven states with no personal income tax, particularly Florida and Texas. Others may maintain multiple homes with an eye toward eventually establishing residency in a state with no income tax. This course will give you practical tips for your clients seeking to establish residency in a new jurisdiction. Cash-strapped states are increasingly attempting to assess taxpayers who have declared domicile and residency elsewhere, for example in Florida, to maintain their diminishing tax base. Arm your clients with the tools needed to save money by successfully establishing domicile and residency. As a practitioner, you can’t afford to be unaware of the latest issues affecting so many relocating baby boomers and others. Avoid that state audit with the information provided in this entertaining webinar.
CPAs with clients seeking to effectively establish new domicile and residency Prerequisite
None Advance Preparation
None IRS Approved
No CFP Approved
No YellowBook Approved
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