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Ethics are generally defined as a set of moral principles, either at the individual level or in the context of a culture or society as a whole. Ethics are also a philosophical framework used to analyze what are the right and the wrong courses of action given a particular situation or set of circumstances. The focus of this course is on ethics and ethical behavior, both in general and specifically relating to CPAs. The course uses practical 'Case in Point' examples to provide a hands-on application of the material. The course reviews the general nature and basic theories of ethical behavior; why ethics are critical to individual CPAs and the accounting profession as a whole; several models for ethical decision-making; and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. The primary objective of the course is to help educate CPAs in the ethics of the accounting profession.
CPAs desiring to satisfy the general professional ethics requirement in Hawaii Prerequisite
None Advance Preparation
None IRS Approved
No CFP Approved
No YellowBook Approved
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